Teacher, Mentor, Author, Print & TV Media Contributor
Vanja helps people live with more enrichment and inspiration.
She does this by facilitating live online programs that combine lectures with structured psycho-educational and energetic work. She also works with individual clients who are ready to commit to a deeper voyage within and without, with specific results in mind.
Additionally, she also takes part in larger societal programs and initiatives, including participating in regional conferences as a speaker and as a panelist in raising awareness about specific issues. At other times, she designs and leads practical educational programs for specific groups, such as young elite athletes attending training camps led by former Olympians. In this role, she helps to bridge the knowledge and the wisdom of successful, mature athletes with the ability of young athletes to accept and implement.
Having grown up in a wealthy country, in a society that supported the expression of her multiple gifts. Vanja had great friends, went to a wonderful school, and felt that she had found her spot under the stars.
A few days before her 11th birthday a civil war erupted in her country, and she became a refugee. She literally lost overnight the big parts of her identity – her bed, her toys, the roof over her head, her home, her nation, neighborhood, school, and friends. Even though her parents found a safe haven, sparing her witnessing the atrocities of that war that were a reality for others, the sense of life as she had known it was over – an extremely difficult thing for her little 10-year old self to process.
The loss of identity and her home country was just the beginning of a complex adventure through life, which sometimes forced her and other times enabled her to live in different countries. At the age of 30, she had some devastating health issues, which she confronted and now controls.
From the moment that Vanja became a refugee, she had multiple opportunities to witness how the waves of Great Uncertainty sweep one layer of security after the other – not only in her life but in the lives of others. Just a few years after the civil war in her country ended and people began recovering, the NATO bombing of Serbia began and she watched AGAIN how everything that she had worked on up until that point was carried away from her.
Vanja was left feeling angry, desperate, and immovable in many ways. She persisted in advancing her studies into the understanding of life and the mechanics of it, studying and mentoring with great minds, and embracing the mystical aspects of life that echo Spirit throughout it.
She understands now that as humans, we are facing the Great Uncertainty – one of the grand mysteries of life, that by default human beings ignore and push deep into their subconscious. Opposing currents are increasingly present at this specific time in human history, showing up in the presence of heavy, burdening emotions in us and others that weigh on us.
Vanja knows that there is a calling to rise to our highest expression in service to the whole. The recent pandemic arose like a Biblical wave washing ashore our deepest fears and commitments, both collectively and individually. She observed as the global crisis unfolded, and the Great Uncertainty flooded the brains of humanity.
For her, it sharpened her senses and showed her where and how to serve others, through her exquisite gifts.
Currently a Ph.D. candidate, Vanja resides in Serbia where she lives with her husband and children, authoring books and serving the world through her gifts and understanding.